Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Strengths "Party"

Tonight was the first of my "strength parties". I have a few friends that I will still call upon to help me unearth some strengths. But tonight I spent some time with my parents.

They are always good for my ego. LOL!

With them I feel like I can't fail.

I learned something powerful during out chat tonight. It doesn't make someone better to have their flaws pointed out. It actually makes them worse. It tears them down... not in a humbling way. But in a way that hurts both people - the tearer and the torn.

We can generally think of everything that is wrong with us. But thinking up strengths... and actually believing that those strengths are part of us... that's tough.

And one more thing. This "strengths party" thing didn't build up anyone's pride. Amazing, eh? The adversary sure has some of us shnIkied when it comes to that, eh? How much I have to change in how I think of being a mother... and a wife.

It makes me want to build more strengths.

It makes me want to be strong in telling other people their strengths - genuinely - and without taking it back in a conversation where I (all in "love") tell my husband that holds grudges. It's a weakness, not a strength! However small. However large.

Perhaps those things are true of people that are told them. But it doesn't matter. It ONLY hurts. Nothing else. We shouldn't be tearing. We should be strengthening.

I should be strengthening.

That's what I came away with here. I'm glad.

Now... to go DO it! (I AM!)


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