1) The sense of suitableness is often from meeting, coming together, whence adjusting, putting in order.
4) Properly, becoming; suitable; whence, handsome; graceful
2) Decent; suitable; proper; becoming; suited to time, place, circumstances or persons.
Comely: handsomely; gracefully.
Content: a.
Literally, held, contained within limits: hence quiet; not disturbed; having a mind at peace; easy;
satisfied, so as not to repine, objector oppose.
Content: v.
1) To satisfy the mind; to make quiet, so as to stop complaint or opposition; to appease;
To make easy in any situation.
2) To please or gratify
Content: n
1) Rest or quietness of the mind in the present condition; satisfaction which holds the mind in
peace, restraining complaint, opposition, or further desire, and often implying a moderate
degree of happiness.
2) Acquiescence; satisfaction without examination.
3) The term used in the House of Lords in England, to express an assent to a bill or motion.
Content: n
1) Often in the plural, contents. That which is contained; the thing or things held,
2) In geometry, the area or quanataity of matter or space included in certain lines.
3) The power of containing; capacity; extent within limits; as a shjip of great content.
included or comprehended within a limit or line; as the contents of a cask or bale; of a
room or a ship; the contents of a book or writing.
1) Strongly desirous to see what is novel, or to discover what is unknown; solicitous to see or to know;
2) Habitually inquisitive; addicted to research or enquiry; as a man of a curios turn of mind; sometimes followed
3) Accurate; careful not to mistake; solicitous to be correct.
4) Careful; nice; solicitous in selection; difficult to please.
5) Nice; exact subtile; made with care.
6) Artful, nicely diligent.
7) Wrought with care and art; elegant; neat; finished; as a curious girdle; curious work.
8) Requiring care and nicety; as curious arts.
9) Rigid; severe; particular.
10) Rare; singular; as a curious fact.
1) Taking prisoner; engaging the affections.
2) Having power to engage the affections.
1) Inclined to communicate; ready to impart to others. In the sense of liberal of benefits, though legitimate, it is
2) Disposed to impart or disclose, as knowledge, opinions, or facts; free to communicate; not reserved.
1) Given to consideration, or to sober refledction; thoughtful; hence, serious; circumsprct; careful; discreet;
2) Having respect to; regardful; as, considerate of praise.
3) Moderate; not rigorous.
by after, and sometimes by of.
little used.
prudent; not hasty or rash; not negligent.
1) Still; quite; being at rest; as the air. Hence not stormy or tempestuous.
2) Undisturbed; not agitated; as a calm sea.
3) Undisturbed by passion; not afitated or excited; quiet; tranquil; as the mind, temper or attention.
Calm: noun
1) Stillness; tranquility; quiet; freedon from motion, agitation, or disturbance.
1) Gathered; assembled; congregated; drawn together.
2) Recovered from surprise or dismay; not disconcerted; cool; firm; prepared.
Noah doesn’t have the word in his 1828 dictionary.
1) Tilled; improved in excellence or condition; corrected and enlarged; cherished; meliorated; civilized; produced by tillage.
Okay! I'm behind on my blogging. And I have discovered another reason why the word of the day thing was bothering my groove thang. ;) I tend to like to just blog about the thing I'm inspired with naturally, instead of sticking with a schedule on what I'm suppose to be inspired by... but it's okay. I'm working through my issues. It doesn't all have to be the way I decide feels good to me! I can be changeable.
So these are the last of my C words. I've gone through them all now. I didn't connect with them all. But I expect as I go through this program again and again I will connect with different things in different ways and I feel very great with that idea.
I did connect with "Calm". I have felt more calm during the past few months of my life than I ever have. I have had some extremely stressful events happen, and still... I am handling them more calmly than I would have in the past. I'm glad of that.
I feel "cultivated" and yet I know that more is to come. And I'm good with that. I look forward to the tilling. ;)
I don't have much more to say. I'm looking forward to the E words. I hope I do well at them! Action time!