Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 12 - C Words - Centered

Today I made a panel of drapes for my daughter's room.

It's a pretty panel, and my first drapes ever. I learned a valuable lesson as I worried my head the whole time about perfectly straight lines, and "what ifs" until I was almost done.

I knew my husband would not like them. I wished I hadn't known that. But I knew that he would only tell me what he WISHED they were like once I got them up instead of allowing me a moment of gladness that I had finished and done good word on my very first drapes.

I also centered my thoughts on worries that my Mom would look too closely and see the uneven lines, or which side I sewed first and proceed to tell me how I should have done the job... I knew her intentions would be good. But I worried, and braced myself for what was probably coming, even if it was in an attitude of love.

I was very centered on how to overcome the feelings that I didn't want to have under the pressure of such "constructive criticism" and "advice" when I asked the Lord to help me do it so that it would please Him.

You know what He said!?

He said to center on my love for my daughter and forget the rest. Put love into it and make it vibrate with the focus of my positive energy and great love for my sweet girl.

And you know what? It worked. I felt it. And SHE loves the drapes. She was grateful for them. And she is happy with them.

So I'm centered on that and I'm thankful for the Heavenly Advice.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 11 - C Words - Careful

I'm always telling my kids to "be careful" and "take care" when referring to caution.

Through much pondering and prayer I've come to know that the Lord sees "fear" and "caution" as different things. He has prompted me to teach my children caution as a protection to them, but to be clear that they need not fear.

So, "careful" is a word that I've spent many days contemplating before this one. My eyes are pretty droopy right now though so I won't attempt to catalog the whole of my thoughts.

I will say this though:

I know that being full of care is good. Not only in the direction of caution - we live in a corrupt world. But in the direction of charity - we live in a corrupt world. These things are required here.

We have a responsibility and accountability system at our house and back talking or disobeying or whining, etc. are things that our children get held accountable for doing. There are times when my children open their mouths to commit the offense when I hold up a finger before words fly, and say: "Take care what you say."

Care has such a marvelously grand scope. And all good.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Days 9 and 10 - C Words - Conscious

Connected and Conscious... hmmm...

Yesterday the word was "connected". It was the perfect day for that word - as has each word been all along these last 10 days.

An arrangement has been made that effects me where my efforts are valuable, and where I can serve and connect with people to everyone's benefit. But there was something that just didn't feel right. I was feeling disconnected from the long term goal of the rest of the people involved at the core of the arrangement.

Thinking on the word "connected" helped me to articulate those feelings and finally get them off my chest. It made a difference. I'm glad. I think that soon I will feel more connected to the long term goal in the eyes of the rest of the "core". I feel that I am part of that core. I have a vision to connect with the vision of others and we can all grow together. I'm so grateful for this program. I really didn't know how to articulate those feelings before.

Today's word has been conscious.

I've been very self conscious today. I think being conscious of self is a good thing. To be conscious of my children is expected of others. To be conscious of the Holy Ghost is imperative.

Until today I thought being "self conscious" was a bad thing. But conscious goes to "aware". And aware is definitely on the up and up.

I've studied the effects of the sub-conscious over the years. I've come to learn that the conscious mind is the filter for the sub-conscious mind and is very important. To ignore is to let information flow to the unbridled sub-conscious mind and allow someone else to shape your life.

Children have very undeveloped conscious filters.

So my job as a mother is to be super conscious of what they see and hear. So that I am the one shaping their lives instead of someone a little less  or even a LOT less trustworthy.

Parents with their children around their skirts or working the fields alongside them in the old days (and rarely still these days) had it right. They knew how important it was to be their children's teachers instead of allowing the less trustworthy "society" teach their children what is right and wrong... when often right is made out to be wrong, and wrong is made out to be right. It's rampant now.

These are the things that I connected with today as far as conscious goes. I think there are quite a few people who would be upset at me for voicing that particular thought. It's been pushed on us by our governors and media that "it takes a community to raise a child" for several generations now. And I am here to witness that based on what I've learned that is WRONG. It is a lie. Parents should be taking what flows to their children's sub-conscious minds into their own stewardship. It is God's plan. That's why He created the family the way He did. (Among other reasons.)

Phew! Now, I have put myself in a place to be judged if someone who doesn't do that reads this. But the bottom line is that I know it for myself, and now I'm accountable for doing it. I'll do my very best and learn to do it better every day.

Today, I have become a more conscious mother.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 8 - C Words - Constant

My mom has had to constantly be telling me today that the word of the day is CONSTANT! LOL!

"Be thou constant unto me."

That's what I think of when I think of the word "constant".

Being constant... if I am constant then I won't "decrease". I won't go backward. I won't have to be learning the same lesson over and over and over again. I can be taught line upon line and be making strides in an upward/forward direction instead of perpetually stopping and taking steps back out of ignorance. (You know, ignoring the truth. Ignoring the promptings. Ignorant.)

I want to be absolutely constant unto Him.


Day 7 - C Words - Coordinate

So, it's actually day 8... but I didn't blog yesterday. So I'm recording my thoughts from day 7 today.


I tried really hard all day to think of this as being balanced. And while I know that being coordinated is what keeps us from falling on our faces all the time, I just couldn't keep my mind on that broad of a  view...

All day my mind kept returning to the CO part. Co - ordinate.

Then I thought of how coordinate also means a location. As in "what are the coordinates?" And how with a coordinate location two lines meet in the middle somewhere.

So THEN I pondered how "CO" pertains to company, or two or more.

What it came down to is that I see my marriage differently since yesterday. Coordinated is on it's way to being cooperative. In fact, coordinate seems to be the first step TOWARD cooperation. First you ordinate, then you operate. But it takes at least two to make the "co".

Longitude is coming from one direction. Latitude is coming from another. But they meet at a point... always.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 6 - C Words - Compassion

Okay... It's been a busy day. I'm embarrassed to say that I only THINK that today's word is compassion.

*Time passing while I look. Jeopardy theme song playing in your head.*

Okay. I looked. I was right! Today it was compassion. And good thing too cause I don't know what I would have done to stay organized if I got out of order! LOL!

Okay. I felt compassion today.

Today I woke up and fed my hungry baby. Snuggled with my husband. And took care of my garden, which was in great need of being weeded before the good plants got choked out by the weeks which spring up spontaneously.

(How come the bugs don't eat the unwanted weeds away. They only eat my baby cucumber plants. Hmmm.)

I felt compassion for my family, and my plants. They needed me. I could see that. And I didn't feel used in caring for them. I felt glad! So grateful that I have the ability, and capacity, to take care of my stewardship.

Stewardship was the theme of the day around here.

I feel strongly that fulfilling a stewardship properly requires a great deal of compassion. In my experience compassion goes to the feelings that come to an individual to bring about a service.

That makes me think of "compassionate services". Funny. But not. I suppose you could do "begrudged services" if you had a bad attitude.

My family is memorizing a scripture. I think it's appropriate here.

"Behold, a bitter fountain cannot bring forth good water. Neither can a good fountain bring forth bitter water..."

A person can do the exact same act of service with a bitter heart and mind and perhaps the service gets done the same way... but perhaps the receiving party would feel the bitterness and be sorry they were getting served.

On the other hand a person can do an act of service with a heart full of compassion, which is good, and the receiving party would feel blessed by the act of kindness.

Cause... if it isn't kind... compassionate... if it's done bitterly... is it truly and act of kindness at all? Even if the same service was rendered? I think not. The vibe would be too different. It would ooze out all over everyone. Both ways. Good fountain, or bad fountain.

I had a good day. I'm glad this was the word of the day. I really love this word of the day thing. It's so good for me. Do you feel me changing? I feel me changing.

Who's reading this anyway LOL! I had 10 people look at this blog just today. Makes me feel a little nervous! LOL!


Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 5 - C Words - Contrite

Contrite goes to "feeling true penitence for offending God" according to this old 1800 something dictionary.

To be bruised. Beaten. Etc. And truly sorry for offending God.

I have 4 sweet kids. There are times that they get in trouble for doing something wrong and as they sit and think over their mistake they feel sooooo sorry for themselves. So sorry that they have to sit and think it over. But... clearly not so sorry that they did the thing that they shouldn't have done.

In fact - most of the time it's very clear that they would go do it again in a second.

Don't we see that in our criminal system too? But that's just a random thought. This is about how I feel, and responded today regarding the word "contrite".

I didn't feel very contrite today. I have felt contrite before. But today... I was a good girl for the most part. (I can't say perfect because I'm sure I made mistakes, and I just don't know what they are yet.)

Today... tonight... pondering my life and the phrase "broken heart, AND contrite spirit" the thing that came to me that I never had thought of before regarding that phrase is this:

One is body and emotion, and the other is spirit. And together we have a totally devoted soul.

I want to be that.

But I don't know how to feel totally bruised and stuff every day. Especially when I have a good day and I don't know that to be sorry about.

I hope that isn't prideful. I'm ready for the Holy Ghost to tell me what I did wrong now! LOL! I'm sure there is something. I'm still working with my natural man body here. If I'm still this then I'm still utterly flawed.

Okay. Rambling. ;)


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 4 - C Words - Composed

Today I learned a bit about the word "composed".

I learned that sometimes I compose myself and use sharpness. Sometimes I compose myself and stay silent. Sometimes I compose myself and smile sweetly. Sometimes I compose myself and use a loud voice.

And sometimes I don't compose myself and I freak out a little when I feel overwhelmed. Especially if everyone is talking at me at once. ARGH!

So, yeah. I lost my composure a few times as they day went on. But, I'm glad to say that I got it back together quickly and moved on. It was good to keep that word in my mind all day.

Oh! I'm so tired!

My baby is teething and won't sleep through the night. Night after night after night of waking up 6-8 times a night to go and hug and lay my baby back down is taking its toll on my composure for sure. But after pondering my day, and thinking of lessons I've pondered in the past... I think there can be a miracle for me (and everyone like me who is sleep deprived) in that I believe that the Lord can make every moment of rest I got last night count.

Perhaps, by the power of my faith, I can be emotionally contained, clear headed, clean of goobery spirits, and composed all day long anyway. Perhaps it doesn't even have to be tough! Perhaps every moment of sleep I get is all the sleep I need to have a great day and feel exceptional!

I'm still in ask mode about this, but I think it's possible. Even probable.

Okay. 10pm and time to rest for Bronwen.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 3 - C Words - Clean


Wow, it's amazing how much more CLEAR I am today after a good night sleep. Now I can actually think about "Clean".

The word "clean" brings up a lot of thoughts for me.

I want my house to be clean, especially since it is dedicated to Christ. Which makes it a Temple unto Him. My body is also a Temple dedicated unto Him through baptism.

A field that is "clean" is generally dedicated to a specific purpose.

Clean means "pure" or "innocent" as well. I think of clean when I think of repentance. To have our garments made pure in the blood of Christ. The Atonement.

It definitely fits my theme of being filled with the Glory of Christ.

  • To be a pure vessel - to contain what things Christ wants me to contain.
  • To clear out the foggy mist of darkness from my brain and body and make room for what Christ wants to fill me with.
  • To be clean of the blood and sins of myself and this generation through repentance and service in the Name of Christ - doing mighty works in His Name.
 I have to say. After 3 days... C words are making a lot of sense to me. I really think that after I do this first 90 days I'll go back and do it again to see how the Lord builds upon my understanding line upon line.

This certainly is a program that I could do over and over again for the rest of my life, and I know that each time I go through the C.E.O. words I will become a better Daughter of God.


It just hit me anew.

We are children of God!

That means... we are literally Child Gods. I see myself so differently when I think of it like that.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 2 - C Words - Clear


I love the definitions for "Clear". I feel drawn to the one pertaining to clarity - like water being clear and clean with no impurities. I like to think of applying that one to myself. And since I'm already on the "being filled with Christ's Glory" line of thought... it really does go with the thoughts that came to me yesterday with the word "Contained".

Gotta make room so I can contain it!

The day is young. I may write again. I may not. But I do like this word. I want to be pure. Illuminated with Holy Light.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 1 - C Words - Contained

Contained is a very good word to being this challenge, I think.

It has to do with being a vessel. It has to do with how much I can hold. And it brings my mind to being filled with the glory of Christ.

Okay, so if I'm going to be filled up with His glory then I'd best free up some space. Which brings my mind to the gospel of Jesus Christ and all of the codes of conduct and feelings that are the Law of the Gospel.

And THAT brings my mind to being Celestial - which, as I understand it, is just another word for being filled with the Glory of Christ... because living His Law perfectly (like He did, and told us to do) means that I can then stand in His glory and receive His image in my eyes.

In MY EYES! My countenance. His light shining in my eyes. From Him, and then through my eyes to shine like a beacon on a hill.

Wow. Contained is a good word.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Strengths "Party"

Tonight was the first of my "strength parties". I have a few friends that I will still call upon to help me unearth some strengths. But tonight I spent some time with my parents.

They are always good for my ego. LOL!

With them I feel like I can't fail.

I learned something powerful during out chat tonight. It doesn't make someone better to have their flaws pointed out. It actually makes them worse. It tears them down... not in a humbling way. But in a way that hurts both people - the tearer and the torn.

We can generally think of everything that is wrong with us. But thinking up strengths... and actually believing that those strengths are part of us... that's tough.

And one more thing. This "strengths party" thing didn't build up anyone's pride. Amazing, eh? The adversary sure has some of us shnIkied when it comes to that, eh? How much I have to change in how I think of being a mother... and a wife.

It makes me want to build more strengths.

It makes me want to be strong in telling other people their strengths - genuinely - and without taking it back in a conversation where I (all in "love") tell my husband that holds grudges. It's a weakness, not a strength! However small. However large.

Perhaps those things are true of people that are told them. But it doesn't matter. It ONLY hurts. Nothing else. We shouldn't be tearing. We should be strengthening.

I should be strengthening.

That's what I came away with here. I'm glad.

Now... to go DO it! (I AM!)


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Writing Down My Weaknesses and Strengths

Well, I've been working diligently on improving myself... since I can remember. But most seriously in the past three years. So writing down my weaknesses, as well as my strengths, was very empowering... uplifting even!

I was surprised by that!

It brought to my attention the fact that the atonement really works. Some of my weaknesses have become strengths! It works! Weee!

I'm not going to detail for all to read what I wrote down. But I do feel strengthened by the experience already.

I'm very happy to be on this Every Woman a CEO journey. I expect to come out a more graceful woman.
